Charles Albert Samuels
hails from New York City. He has many disparate interests but is particularly interested in the origins of creative intent — functional, expressive, or otherwise. He believes in, and has studied the inherent political nature of art and design, and uses both as tools of reflection, of defining behavior, and of humanitarianism.
Charles earned a BA in Art & Design from the University of Michigan Stamps School of Art & Design, with a Minor in Art History from the Tappan School of Art History. Charles has focused on furniture design as well as product and structure design, and is also practiced in photography and printmaking; he is incredibly fond of spending time in darkrooms in front of the altar that is an enlarger, and while he finds working with his hands with wood and metal to be meditatively fulfilling, he also has spent time working with CNC and other automated systems to find ways to perform these actions in absence of the human hand.
Regardless of the pursuit, Charles is always hungry for knowledge and self-betterment. He is currently a student at the Flatiron school, where he is focused on learning the skills to extend his design expertise into the realm of software development. You can find and download his resume